Christmas Book Fair
We are pleased to inform you that on Wednesday 29th November the school will host a book fair in cooperation with the USBOURNE publishing house.Come and visit us between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m.!The fair will offer a wide variety of books in English for all ages....
Venice Lagoon Plastic Free
On 15th November, during their science class, as an extension of the STEAM project on oceans, Middle 1 students have met Dr. Marina Doria from the Venice Lagoon Plastic Free organization, which promotes projects and networks aimed at preventing and reducing plastic...
Water, we know, is an indispensable element for life on Earth. Our Middle 1 students, through the science workshop HOW TO DRINK A GLASS OF WATER organised by the M9 Museo del '900, analysed some aspects of water, in particular those that are most closely linked to...
IISSTA Tournament 2023
On Wednesday 8 November, the Middle School students went to The English International School of Padua to take part in the traditional IISSTA sports tournament together with students from many other international schools in Italy (IS Turin - IS Brescia - H Vicenza - H...
Code Week EU 2023 and STEAM
Also this year, ISV joined the EU Code Week initiative, which helps millions of people in Europe and around the world to learn, create, innovate and have fun with digital technologies. All our classes presented an activity with a STEAM (Science, Technology,...
On Friday 6th October Middle 3 students attended an event at Forte Marghera: FUORI DI BANCO (, organised for all students, heading off to High School next academic year. The students have participated in various workshops to help them transition...
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