
Open Day 2021

Open Day 2021

International School of  Venice, per ogni ordine di scuola, organizza Open Day in presenza e on-line. L’Open Day On-line si è tenuto il 16 Dicembre alle ore 17.00 per i 3 gradi della scuola.  Gli Open Day in presenza sono stati presentati il 29 e 30 Novembre 2021 per...

The Kew Royal Botanic Gardens at ISVenice

The Kew Royal Botanic Gardens at ISVenice

On Tuesday, December 16th Middle 1,2 and 3 students will meet Dr Tiziana Ulian, who leads the Sustainable Use, Seeds & Solutions’ team at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew (U.K.). Her work  focuses on studying biodiversity and ecosystem services to improve people’s...

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays

With the Christmas holidays approaching, we wish to send our best wishes to the students, their families, teachers and all the staff for a Merry Christmas and a Happy 2022, with the hope that the new year will be better than the one that is ending. We thank all the...

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