
Victorian Day

Victorian Day

On Friday 26th January Class 4, together with their teacher, transformed their classroom and lessons into a historical experience. The children had lessons and dressed as if they were living in the Victorian period in England. In English they have been reading David...

Malibran Theatre – Venice – Pinocchio!

Malibran Theatre – Venice – Pinocchio!

Primary 3 and Middle 1 went to Venice on Friday 19th January to participate in the show Pinocchio performed in collaboration with La Fenice Theatre. The children had been learning music and songs with their music teacher Ms. Julie Mellor and during the show were...

Christmas wishes

Christmas wishes

Merry Christmas to all our children and their families from all the staff of The International School of Venice. See you in 2024, on Monday 8th January. HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!    

Christmas Open Days

Christmas Open Days

Over this last week all our children, from our very youngest to our oldest, have been involved in sharing some Christmas Wishes here in school and at the theatre, with their teachers, friends and families. We hope you enjoy some of the images taken during this special...

Middle School Christmas Show

Middle School Christmas Show

On Thursday 21 December, the Middle School students presented their Christmas Show at the Teatro Momo in Via Dante in Mestre Venice, thrilling and involving the audience with musical performances, acting, poetry, singing and much more, combining the Christmas theme...

Villa Vescovi like an Ancient Roman

Villa Vescovi like an Ancient Roman

On Thursday 7th December Class 5 enjoyed a guided visit and workshop at ‘Villa dei Vescovi’ in Luvigliano (Padua) linked with the history and art objectives planned for this academic year. The architectural features of the Villa have strong connections with the...

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